Apply Chocolate
Thursday, December 08, 2005
If those who say they are "Christian" (i.e., our fearless TeamBush leader) were actually practicing "Christianity," we wouldn't be at war in Iraq, right? And the wealthiest 1% of the US population wouldn't be getting tax breaks, they would be breaking down the doors to give money away (because it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into Heaven), right? And we wouldn't be moaning about our poorly performing poor schools, we'd have Ph.D.s lining up to be teachers in them, right?

Instead, we have theocracy ... which I mean as a system of government that claims religious sanction for its actions, but which actually practices very little of what its holy books and men preach.

Again, religion is a human invention. Humans can suck at practicing it, just like everything else we try. Or we can be really good at it, but it takes a lot of practice in the right direction.

(We're not going in the right direction ... obviously.)

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