Apply Chocolate
Friday, April 29, 2005
People who follow the rules get screwed
Not that all rules are good ... Nazi Germany had some pretty bad ones; ditto for Stalinist Russia. Not all religious rules are good, either, but at least they have the biggie "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You" ...

If you want people to waste your time, then by all means, go through the drive-through teller without having your transaction prepared, and send the canister back three times. If you want people to ignore the stop sign when you're in the intersection, then by all means, don't stop yourself (even if you're on a bike). If you want people to disrespect anything you say, then please, be condescending in your comments about fellow world leaders, or expect the rules to be changed to suit your personal desires and circumstances.

What the &*(# is wrong with people? Nobody who plays by the rules gets ahead; we just survive. But if you ignore the rules, break the rules, have the rules changed for you, you get $$, power, and the right of way. Dammit!

Thursday, April 21, 2005
stop, Stop, STOP!
Religion is a PERSONAL choice, NOT a political platform. And FYI, Preacher Frist, a Democratic filibuster on a judicial nominee is NOT an attack on people of faith. A car bomb in Jerusalem is.

We are one of the bright lights of history primarily because we don't have sectarian religious violence in our streets or in our courtrooms. Our history is replete with luminaries who were (and are) people of faith, but that doesn't mean that faith is a primary criteria for public service. To all those who are using religion as a civic bludgeon, including Senator Frist, STOP your pandering to the conservative religious right, and start acting like a representative worthy of the votes that have been cast for you. You weren't elected in a church. Stop trying to turn this country into a living hell of conflicting ideas of deity. Don't we have enough examples of those in the world already?

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