Apply Chocolate
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Napoleon lives?
I thought I was over the whole "Tom DeLay is the devil" thing, but apparently not. Esquire's March 2005 issue included an article about Ronnie Earle, the district attorney with character who is pursuing the issue of questionable fund-raising tactics used by DeLay minions to subvert the democratic process in Texas, and because the Texas tail is wagging the US dog, everywhere else, too.

I'm bothered all over again. DeLay is just another little man with his hand in his jacket. He needs therapy, not a seat in the US Congress. If this is what we want in a politician, then we're all screwed. I want to hold everyone who voted for him responsible for the mess he's making.

I want Earle to win his case ... I want DeLay (and others of his ilk) out of Congress, and out of politics. And yes, I want this new Napoleon sent to his own St. Helena.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Just say "NO"
Hello, Government Agency? I'd like to access information through your website. Public knowledge kind of information, but ... you have it in a PowerPoint presentation?!? What the heck?!?!

Not everyone uses PP, you know. Some of us actually have skills outside the MS Office set, and our offices/homes are not dominated by the overly coded programs promulgated by the MS behemoth.

Please please, Government Agency, make all public information accessible through operating-system independent formats, such as PDF, or even, although more cumbersome yet still available, HTML. Please!!

Just Say "NO" to PowerPoint for distributing information to the general public.

Thank you,
Public Citizen, Mac/Open Source convert

Monday, March 07, 2005
The debate about the future of Social Security is EVERYWHERE! But I don't see much discussion about an important contributing factor: the role of work in our lives. Why aren't we talking about changing the way we work so that retirement isn't some Holy Grail to be slaved toward? Why can't we have better balanced lives and jobs, making an arbitrary retirement age unnecessary, and giving everyone more of a life now, instead of the promise of one later?

Oh. Right. That would impinge on the profit motive, which is the real Holy Grail of our culture. Excuse that earlier moment of naivete. I continue to have flashes of idealism, despite too much exposure to reality.

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