Apply Chocolate
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Found, and true?

Bush may have won...but YOU lost.
Here's why:
• When overtime pay is eliminated, it won't just be terminated for liberals. You're going to lose yours, as well.
• You're going to have to live in the same polluted America as the rest of us.
• When the next terrorist attack hits us -- and it will -- the al-Qaeda isn't just going to target Democrats only.
• When Social Security goes bankrupt, there won't be any exceptions made for Bush supporters.
• The drug companies aren't going to cut Republican seniors any slack with the new Medicare prescription-drug plan either Your folks will also have their coverage changed arbitrarily whenever Merck, Pfizer, et al. feel like it. ( And they won't have any better access to cheaper pharmaceuticals from Canada than anyone else. )
• Body armor and armored vehicles in Iraq are not going to doled on the basis of political leanings.
Bottom line, you're in the same leaky lifeboat as the rest of us -- you just don't know it yet.
Except in one regard.
Your kids aren't going to be able to afford college tuition any more than ours...and when the bill for these record deficits falls due, they're going to have to pay up same as everyone else.
And that's not even mentioning the possibility of a draft.
And when they realized that they'll never be able to have a lifestyle as good as yours...all because you wanted to feel pumped about having 'your' guy in office and have yourself a liberal-bashing party, right here, right now...they will turn on you with vengeance.
Either that...or guess who's gonna end up supporting them?
Most likely, both of the above. If Bush does get a second term, you'd better be prepared to have your grown kids living with you and hating you at the same time.
And that is gonna hurt you like you don't wanna know.
That's the difference, guys. Our kids are gonna know that at least we cared enough about their future to fight to try and fight for it.
My problem with the information? I'm not so sure that people who supported Shrub & Company won't get help that others who didn't vote for them won't. I think things are that bad right now, that there will be increasing numbers of "litmus" tests for privileges, benefits, even rights.

No appeasement
Okay ... in the wake of last week's election there's all this hand-wringing about what the Democratic Party can do to improve its appeal to all those moderate voters who might have voted for Kerry but said they just couldn't.

Today I say ... Fuck 'em. All of them. They bought into one of the biggest corruptions of our republic since maybe the magic of capitalism pre-Black Tuesday.

When the Republicans felt the sting of voter disapproval in 1998, did they wring their hands? Did they ask themselves how they could better appeal both Democratic and Republican moderates? Fuck no. They went to their fundamentalist, authoritarian, shades of religious/cultural/social tyranny base and said, We'll sell you our souls to get our power back. And it worked.

So now we of the left out, the left behind, the marginalized, the ignored by those with entrenched power and money are supposed to figure out how to appease those in the middle who couldn't see past the smoke and mirrors?

(Maybe tomorrow I'll feel more conciliatory ... today it just feels wrong to consider pandering to the "win at any costs" Karl Rove and company team that's still (dammit) in charge.)

Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Discouraging, but not unexpected ...
So, Shrub is in for another four years. Not surprising, given his highly effective pandering to Americans' deepest fears and insecurities. It is always easier to unite people with fear ... making us feel powerless in the face of some faceless threat is a sure way to consolidate power. It's a path taken by all the best tyrants.

Does our political system have enough strength to resist tyrannical impulses from the continuing administration? Only if the Democrats get off their collective ass and actually come up with ideas that matter to the majority of Americans ... it's not about giving each special interest group its own goodie bag ... it's about having a cohesive vision of the America we want to be: pretty well summed up 217 years ago:

"Provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity."

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