Apply Chocolate
Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Where did December go?
I remember that it happened, but really fast, like a 33 rpm record played at 78. Yes. I'm that old. I had a record player, and I remember messing with it.

Anyway, Happy 20-04!

Thursday, December 04, 2003
Is not what's going on here, although it appears that the jury will hear about Congressman's Janklow's prior Speed-Racer activity, finally.

This man, as a result of decisions he made, caused the death of another person. I understand "innocent until proven guilty," but there's no question that the car he was operating hit a motorcycle and killed the rider. Janklow was conscious, making decisions about his speed, trajectory and route. He was driving. Those are the facts.

He shouldn't be trying to manipulate the charges to hold onto his congressional seat. He should have resigned before the trial. He could always run again if found not guilty, for whatever reason.

This is not an aberration for Janklow; this is a pattern of behavior. How can we expect integrity from our system if the players don't understand what it means?

UPDATE: Dec 9: The jury's verdict is in, and thank goodness they did the right thing. Janklow was found guilty of all charges. Supposedly he'll resign by his sentencing date (why not earlier?).

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